Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pretending to be blind

Why am I pretending to be blind?
Why can’t I be selfless and kind?
I ignore the,
Men fighting
Women crying
Children dying
I can’t feel for ,
The orphan who is in pain
A soldier’s sacrifice which has gone in vain
People who have died in a crash of a plane
Mother o mother you said
We are between a tornado and
Are not able to hear the Christmas bell ring
And you dreamt of a day
When the entire world would
Would be in spring
Forgive me O mother that
I could not follow the lesson that you taught me
But I commit to you
I will be what you wanted me to be
I will be selfless I will be kind
And will no longer pretend to be blind.

1 comment:

  1. oh.. this is a beautiful song. give it a tune and m sure itbe a gr8 gr8 song. well written, a really great thought.

    keep blogging :)
